Category Archives: Letters & Notices


IRS CP2100 and CP2100A

When banks, credit unions, businesses and other payers file information returns with data that doesn’t match IRS records, the IRS sends them a CP2100 or CP2100A notice. The notices tell payers that the information...

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IRS sends CP2100 and 2100A Notices

In April, the IRS sent CP2100 and CP2100A notices to banks, credit unions, businesses or payers who filed returns that don't match IRS records. These information returns include: Form 1099-B, Proceeds from Broker and Barter Exchange...

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STIMULUS PAYMENTS – IRS Letters 6475 | 6331C or 5071 |...

The Economic Impact Payments (EIP) commonly refer to as Stimulus Payment is about to be phase out this tax season. If you have not received your stimulus payments, now is the time. The IRS have been sending out letters to taxpayers who they...

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The IRS letter 6419 Child Tax Credit (CTC)

The IRS letter 6419 is the official documentation that has the details to be reported for a taxpayer’s advance Child Tax Credit (CTC) payments. This letter will provide: Total amount of advance CTC payments received for 2021; this...

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What is a CP53A IRS Letter?

Question: Why did I get a cp53a from the IRS if I didn't file taxes for 2020 it came in my child name also her father filed not me?” The IRS CP53A Letter means IRS tried to deposit your tax refund into your bank account but your bank cannot...

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